Thursday, July 17, 2008

Extremely happy but crazy

Well I haven't written in a while and as you might guess it is because Ellie was born!!!!!!! She is so beautiful and I just love her to death. She was born at 1:59p.m. on June 29th. It was one crazy day after pushing for 1 hour and 45 min and then having a c-section, but it was all worth it in the end. I had some great support in the hospital. My wonderful husband never left my side, my mom stuck it out until we went in for the c-section, and Christine Barnes a nurse and wonderful friend was there to help me through. I don't think I would have made it without them. Then waiting in the waiting room for hours and hours was everyone that I love most in this world. They all stuck it out with me for hours waiting on baby Ellie! It meant so much to me that they were all there. We are home now and recovering well. We are learning together and getting use to our new life style. She is a lot if work and Geoff and I are going on very little sleep but I never knew I could love someone so much that just came into my life. I am so excited about our life and all the great things we will be able to share with our angel. 

Through these last few weeks Geoff has really showed me how much he loves me and what he would be willing to do for me. He started it all off with upgrading my wedding ring. He took the old diamond out and had it made into a necklace and put a new much larger stone in my ring. He gave it to me on the way to the hospital and he made me cry. It is so beautiful, I just love it so much. I don't deserve such a beautiful ring or such a great husband. Then in the hospital he was there by my side the whole time. He got me everything I needed and helped me do all the things that are so difficult after abdominal surgery. After we made it home he continued to stick by my side and helping me with all the things that are difficult. He also never complained about all the places we needed to go and all the people we needed to see. Everyone wanted to see Ellie and we stayed on the move or with company pretty much all the time in the first few weeks. I absolutely loved having him home with us. He went back to work yesterday and Ellie and I really miss him. I am sure he is happy to be back to work, he always says he has to go to work to get any rest. Ellie and I love him with all our hearts!!!!

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