So I know that deployment is still a while away but it is hard not to think about it. Geoff says I think (worry) about it to much and that I just need to enjoy the time we have together now. He is right but I like to see it more as preparing for it. I have a hundred questions and worries about the time when Geoff will be away. I think most of the worries stem from not know how I will be as a mom and then just 2 months into being a mom I will have to be a single mom at least during the week. Then in April I will be a single mom for a year while Geoff is in Afghanstan. Hopefully some things will be better after Ellie gets here. If nothing else I won't have time to worry about it when she gets here. Anyway, I have been researching on the internet some blogs and stuff on how to cope with deployment and how to make it easier for both Ellie and myself. Nothing I have read has claimed to make it any easier but there have been a lot of ideas on how to make it through. I especially liked this blog of the wife of a retired Marine.
She is straight forward and honest but helpful. I just keep reminding myself that many many wives before me and many after me will all make it through. I just hope I have the strength to be one of them.