Tuesday, June 24, 2008

3 Years!!!!!!!

On July 25th, 2005 Geoff and I got married. So this July we will have been married for 3 years. This is not a great milestone (like 10, 25, or 50 years) or anything but none the less I love to celebrate each year we get to spend together. We have had so many great memories and times. I am looking forward to many many more in the future. I decided to make a little video (I am not a computer whiz or anything so be kind) of some moments from our first 3 years. With Ellie well on her way we may not get to celebrate our anniversary like we would like this year. Check out the video on our web gallery at
So here is to Geoff, the love of my life and my best friend. Happy early anniversary, baby!!!! We have had some great times just the two of us and I am looking forward to all the great moments to come for the three of us. 

Friday, June 20, 2008

Deployment on the horizon

So I know that deployment is still a while away but it is hard not to think about it. Geoff says I think (worry) about it to much and that I just need to enjoy the time we have together now. He is right but I like to see it more as preparing for it. I have a hundred questions and worries about the time when Geoff will be away. I think most of the worries stem from not know how I will be as a mom and then just 2 months into being a mom I will have to be a single mom at least during the week. Then in April I will be a single mom for a year while Geoff is in Afghanstan. Hopefully some things will be better after Ellie gets here. If nothing else I won't have time to worry about it when she gets here. Anyway, I have been researching on the internet some blogs and stuff on how to cope with deployment and how to make it easier for both Ellie and myself. Nothing I have read has claimed to make it any easier but there have been a lot of ideas on how to make it through. I especially liked this blog of the wife of a retired Marine.


She is straight forward and honest but helpful. I just keep reminding myself that many many wives before me and many after me will all make it through. I just hope I have the strength to be one of them. 

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Ellie's Almost Here

YAY!!! We are getting so close. Ellie is almost here. We have been working hard to get her room finished and all her things ready for her to use. We have the swing, car seat, stroller and bouncy seat ready to go. We also have her crib and other stuff in her nursery. Check out the pictures below of her room. I love it. All thats left are a few odds and ends and some decor on the walls. My mom is painting polka dots on letters that spell her name and I am in search of the perfect picture for the other wall that I haven't found yet. Thank you to all of you who made this possible. Ellie will be set thanks to all of you.